Season 1

Episode 1
From peels to plates - unearth the secrets of crafting an exquisite zero-waste brunch with these potato-inspired tips!
Apeeling Potato & Pancake Brunch

Episode 2
Cereal isn't just for breakfast – it's the secret ingredient to sweet surprises!
Rice Krispies & Cereal Ice Cream

Episode 3
Get ready for cabbage hacks! Tie-dye shirts & taco nights – who knew one veg could do so much!
Unbeleafable Red Cabbage

Episode 4
Waste not, want not - get ready to craft delicious recipes using every part of the chicken!
Clucky Chicken Tips

Episode 5
Wine not? Join us for an episode of culinary indulgence as we transform a single bottle into three unforgettable recipes!
Fine As Wine

Episode 6
From peel to core - discover the art of utilizing every bit of the apple with these delicious recipes!
An Apple A Day

Episode 7
Don't toss that tin! Join us as we upcycle a condensed milk can into a multi-purpose wonder!
Can-do Condensed Milk

Episode 8
From crown to core - watch as we turn a humble pineapple into a culinary masterpiece!
Sweet Pineapple Tricks

Episode 9
Unveil the onion saga -where every root, bulb, and leaf takes the spotlight in creating delicious culinary wonders!
One-of-a-kind Onion

Episode 10
From field to feast - embrace the corn revolution with recipes and crafty ventures!
Corntastic Tricks

Episode 11
From shell to yolk - explore the incredible versatility of eggs in both recipes & crafts!
Eggstraordinary Tips

Episode 12
Watch as pickles take center stage - from brine to crunch, with these flavor-packed recipes!