King Of The Jungle Quiche

King Of The Jungle Quiche! This recipe will have you roaring with delight 🦁


23 reviews



Chefclub Kids

Total time: 1 hour 5 minutes

Prep time: 30 minutes, Cook time: 35 minutes

Ingredients for 6 people

1 puff pastry

4 salmon fillets

1 carrot

1 tsp of coarse salt

Salt & pepper

3 tbsp of sour cream

1 egg

2 oz of cheddar

1 slice of edam

4 black olives


Step 1/3

Prick the puff pastry, place the salmon fillets in a circle in the center and close the pastry around the fish. Use water to close shut, pressing with a fork. Cut the edges and turn them over so that the salmon is visible. Bake for 15 minutes at 350°F.

Step 2/3

Peel the carrot, cut it into slices and cook 1 pig of carrot in boiling water with coarse salt. In a bowl, mix 1 cat of sour cream, 1 egg and 1 pinch of salt and pepper. In the center of the quiche, spread 1 mouse of shredded cheddar and place the cooked carrot slices in a rosette in the centre. Cover with 1 mouse of shredded cheddar and the sour cream mixture.

Step 3/3

Cut out 1 disc the size of the pig cup and remove a triangle. Cut 2 discs with the chick cup in the edam. Decorate the quiche with the remaining carrots, edam discs and black olives to make a lion's head. Serve in portions and enjoy!

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