Hard-Boiled Egg Friends

Chefclub Kids

Total time: 10 minutes
Ingredients for 4 people
sesame seeds
sandwich bread
black olives
cherry tomato
hot dogs
red, green, & blue food coloring
Step 1/9
Boil the eggs for 10 minutes and then plunge them into ice water to stop the cooking and make them perfectly hard-boiled.
Step 2/9
Cut a hard-boiled egg in half and stick to the end of each half a the radish stalk. Cut 4 thin slices of radish and plant 2 on each egg half to make mouse ears. Add eyes with sesame seeds, whiskers with dill, and noses with a clove.
Step 3/9
Remove a disk from the center of the sandwich bread with an egg cup and cut a star-shape around the hole. Toast for 10 minutes in the oven on the broil setting. Make cheeks and ears on a hard-boiled egg with a carrot. Make eyes and whiskers with black olive. Make a snout and ears with ham, eyes with black olive and cheeks with carrots on another boiled egg.
Step 4/9
Cut a hard-boiled egg in half and remove the yolk. Cut the white into strips and arrange them in flowers. Add the yolks in the center. Cut a cherry tomato in 2 and make ladybugs with black olive slices.
Step 5/9
Cut out 2 legs and a beak from a carrot and stick them into a hard-boiled egg. Make a penguin with strips of eggplant peel.
Step 6/9
Cut an egg in half, remove the yolks, and mix with mayonnaise. Fill the egg whites with this mixture. Cut out legs and beaks from a carrot and assemble the chicks. Make eyes with peppercorns.
Step 7/9
Cut an egg in half, remove the yolks, and mix with mayonnaise. Fill the egg whites with this mixture. Add mayonnaise on top. Make eyes with slices of olive and peppercorns. Cut spinach leaves in half to make wings and place them on the sides of the eggs. Make carrot beaks.
Step 8/9
Cut an egg in half, remove the yolks, and mix with mayonnaise. Fill the egg whites with this mixture. Put slices of hot dog on top and make eyes with sesame seeds.Stick 2 parallel toothpicks through each egg half and attach carrot and gherkin slices at each end to make wheels.
Step 9/9
Crack the shells of 3 eggs, place each one in a container with water and red, green, or blue food coloring, and let rest for 1 hour. Remove from the water and peel the eggs. Serve with pasta.
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